Saving Home Energy Costs with Insulation

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saving home energy costs with insulationEvery month the energy bill arrives in the mailbox, and every month your heart skips a beat as you open it. Like many other homeowners, you never know what to expect. Did you run your HVAC system too much this cycle? Are you going to need a second job to pay the bill?

What if there was a way to lower your energy costs without buying a new home? Well, there is, and it requires very little effort from you. Attic insulation can help you save loads on your energy consumption in the long run. Even if you think you have insulation in your attic right now, it may be time to replace or upgrade it. Here’s why better insulation will save you money on your next energy bill.

Hot Air Rises to the Attic

You probably remember your science teacher telling you that warm air rises. That’s why the top bunk bed is hotter than the lower one. It’s the reason sleeping on a cot is much warmer than sleeping on the ground. And, this rule can also keep your entire home warmer during the winter.

Think about it this way: when hot air rises in your home, it travels to the highest room. In most homes, this space is the attic. If your attic isn’t adequately insulated, you may lose your heated air through the room. As a result, your furnace kicks into overdrive to keep your family warm, and your energy bill skyrockets.

Lowering your energy bill during the summer may be as simple as adding a bit more insulation around your attic. Foam and blown-in insulation both offer a vast array of benefits, and a professional installer can help you choose which type is right for your needs.

Hot Air Enters Through the Attic

So, does attic insulation only help out in the colder months? No, it can also help you save some hard-earned money during the summer as well. When temperatures outside increase, your AC kicks on to keep the inside of your home comfortable. If you want to run your air conditioner a little less, consider looking at the insulation inside your attic.

During the summer, hot air enters through the grooves, cracks, and gaps of your walls. Eventually, it makes it to your main living spaces, and the air conditioner starts working hard to compensate. However, if you have enough insulation in your attic, these points of entry will be filled. The result is a much cooler home and a lower energy bill.

Leaks Are Your Energy Bill’s Worst Nightmare

Even if you live in a moderate climate, you may still end up paying too much in energy costs if you don’t have enough insulation. Roofs are notorious for leaking, and attic walls may also crack. As a result, your home may lose both hot and cold air. Of course, this effect will reflect on your monthly energy statement.

You can use insulation to prevent and seal leaks. An insulation contractor will inspect every inch of your attic for any cracks or gaps. If they find something, they will be able to cover it on the spot. After they finish, adding a layer of new insulation will ensure you don’t lose any air, either hot or cold. The best part is opening a lower energy bill each month.

When it comes to saving you money with attic insulation, you can trust Your Home Experts®. Our contractors have the training and experience needed to ensure you have enough insulation to keep your home at the right temperature. Investing in new insulation now will save you a lot of money throughout the year. Contact Your Home Experts® to schedule attic insulation installation with the best team in town.

Up Next: Safety Tips to Consider While Installing Insulation